Quick Start Guide
Get your token
- You need your username and password provided by MNC
- Token Instructions
- Store your token it won't change. You will need it for all the service calls you make.
Choose your languages
- You may have access to all languages or a limited set of languages.
- All services requests should include the language and country. The default is en-US.
- The country and language provide the locale for the service. This includes translations of snow reporting terms, weather text and metrics (in, ft, m, cm, km mi C and F).
- Metrics are either Imperial (en-US default) or Metric (all other locales).
- Many fields will provide a numerical or textual key for a translation which you can use to map your own translation. View field keys
- Language Instructions
Your Query String
You should now have your base URI parameter query string by simply using the token, language and country.
- ?token=[PROVIDED]&country=[CHOSEN]&language=[CHOSEN]
- We'll call this your BASE_QUERY_STRING in future reference.
Making a request
- GET - only use GET requests
- POST requests are not valid for any endpoints in the service, unless otherwise noted. POST to GET endpoints will result in HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed response code.
- MAXIMUM URI Length is 8000 characters. Anything over this size will generate a HTTP 414 Request-URI Too Large response code. You will need to break up your query string into chunks smaller than 8000 characters.
- Parameters can be QUERY_STRING for multi item requests or PATH for single item.
#The region Colorado - US.
curl http://clientservice.onthesnow.com/externalservice/region/251/list?[BASE_QUERY_STRING]
#The region Austria
curl http://clientservice.onthesnow.com/externalservice/region/242/list?[BASE_QUERY_STRING]
#The region France
curl http://clientservice.onthesnow.com/externalservice/region/240/list?[BASE_QUERY_STRING]
Get a List of Resorts and Countries
Our webservice uses resortId's to identify resorts. You will need to get the resort id's that you are interested in. See Countries/Region service
curl http://clientservice.onthesnow.com/externalservice/region/countries/list?[BASE_QUERY_STRING]
You will get a large list of Countries containing resorts lists, states/provinces in country, regions in the country and quick links to get resort data for the entire Country.
Understanding the data
- Pick your resorts you want or use the region's quick endpoint links to get the resort data.
- You need to familiarize yourself with snow reporting fields Fields
- You need to understand which region/countries use which fields Country Field usage
- Determine what endpoints you are going to use. Do you want to make multi resort requests?
Read the FAQ
You should read the FAQ to familiarize your self with some general snow reporting questions and answers - FAQ