Regions Resource

The following resources are applicable:

Note: The default locale of the service is en-US. The default locale will return data in imperial units (inches, feet etc...) with US english text translations. You must include both language and country in your query string to override the default language/metric.


Returns all the State/Provinces listed by OTS for that region, along with resorts.


Required Parameters

As allways your BASE_QUERY_STRING is required.

#default #hide the links.

Optional Parameters

name description type default
get_links true or false to include the service endpoints for resorts in the region. param true

Example Request

Response Body Sample

You can view the field descriptions here

{ "id": 191, "resorts": [ { "id": 743, "resortName": "Charlotte Pass" }, { "id": 744, "resortName": "Perisher" }, { "id": 745, "resortName": "Selwyn Snowfields" }, { "id": 746, "resortName": "Thredbo Alpine Resort" }, { "id": 747, "resortName": "Falls Creek Alpine Resort" }, { "id": 749, "resortName": "Mt. Baw Baw Alpine Resort" }, { "id": 751, "resortName": "Mt. Buller" }, { "id": 752, "resortName": "Mt. Hotham" }, { "id": 1086, "resortName": "Dinner Plain" } ], "regionName": "Australie", "states": [ { "id": 303, "regionName": "New South Wales" }, { "id": 363, "regionName": "Victoria" } ], "restSnowReport": "", "restRegionProfile": "", "restCombinedReport": "" },


Returns a list of resorts and states for requested region id. The full list of region ids can be found calling /externalservice/region/countries/ method above


Required Parameters

As allways your BASE_QUERY_STRING is required.

name description type default
regionId Id of the region you want. You can get the id's from the countries list path Integer
#default #hide the links.

Optional Parameters

name description type default
get_links true or false to include the service endpoints for resorts in the region. param true

Example Request

Response Body Sample

You can view the field descriptions here

{ "id": 203, "resorts": [ { "id": 738, "resortName": "Cerro Catedral" }, { "id": 739, "resortName": "Caviahue" }, { "id": 740, "resortName": "Chapelco" }, { "id": 742, "resortName": "Las Lenas" }, { "id": 1674, "resortName": "Cerro Castor" } ], "regionName": "Argentine", "states": [ ], "restSnowReport": "", "restRegionProfile": "", "restCombinedReport": "" },